When I am working on a big project my desk can get really messy. Even though I am a professional organizer that is totally okay with me. It is my style. I have a threshold though and once it gets to a certain point, I need to stop and straighten things out or else I can’t work.
Whether you are okay with letting your desk get messy by design like I do, or need to have everything perfectly organized to do your best work, it’s important to be clear about what works for you and what doesn’t.
One of my clients, a busy mom on the Upper West Side who is a college professor and writer, recently reached the tipping point in her home office. With a large south-facing window, 6 feet of desk space, a comfy chair and lots of shelving for books – the space had always been a sanctuary for her. After the death of a family member though, estate files had taken over her desk.
With 2 syllabi to prepare and her desk in disarray, the anxiety had become palpable – she had reached her clutter tipping point. She abandoned her office altogether (albeit temporarily) and moved to the kitchen table to do her work. A few weeks later, syllabi completed, she carved out time to get organized.
With some planning, decluttering and implementation of a few new systems to accommodate the estate work, my client was able to reclaim her office space. Sometimes it just takes some concentrated effort to get things back to a place that feels good to you.
What’s your clutter tipping point and how do you deal with it? Leave a comment below and let us know.