“If it’s not personally useful, beautiful or valuable to you, get rid of it.” This is a guiding principle of AKorganizing in organizing and de-cluttering a space.
If your environment is cluttered, now is the perfect time to let go of things that no longer serve you.
To declutter with confidence start by letting go of things that:
1. Are not really your style
2. Are duplicates of things you already have
3. You are holding on to “just in case”
4. You’ve never used or haven’t used in over a year
5. Have negative energy associated with them
6. You never really liked in the first place
7. You’ve wanted to throw out but just couldn’t do it
8. You’ve wanted to donate but didn’t know where
9. You’ve been meaning to gift to a friend
10. Have been broken for over 6 months and it’s not likely that you’ll fix them
Use the criteria above to identify clutter and let go with confidence. AKorganizing recommends the green principles of reduce, reuse, recycle. You could throw things out, recycle them, gift them to a friend or donate them to a charity.Never feel guilty about letting things go, it will enhance your sense of well being and bring harmony into your life. You will also be letting go of things that someone else may be able to use or enjoy.
What do you need to let go of.? Leave a comment below and let us know.