Can an organized refrigerator lead to a sense of well-being? As I was enjoying my breakfast this morning – a succulent naval orange, some fresh strawberries and organic multigrain cereal, I was inspired to write about the organized refrigerator. I went grocery shopping yesterday and having a refrigerator full of healthy and inviting food gave me a wonderful sense of well-being.
So how do you organize your refrigerator anyway? For all projects big and small, I always recommend and personally use the SPACE method. Developed by my colleague and organizer extraordinaire, Julie Morgenstern, the SPACE Method consists of the following steps: Sort, Purge, Assign, Containerize, Equalize.
First things first – we’ll need to clean out the refrigerator completely. Take everything out and clean the space. Create a blank canvas.
Sort – Sort like items; Swiss chard with greens, cheddar with cheeses, ketchup with condiments.
Purge – Get rid of the outdated, spoilt, wilted or soggy. Let go of left overs that have lost their appeal.
Assign – Assign a space to each category. Most frequently used items front and center. Larger items toward the back. Organize things in a way that makes sense for you. For example, breakfast is the one meal I almost always eat at home. I like to keep a bowl of fresh fruit and individual yogurts easily accessible on one shelf in my fridge.
Containerize – Use high quality, see through containers that stack easily. This will allow you to see what’s inside AND maximize space. Use plastic baggies liberally. Avoid putting things in the fridge uncovered.
Equalize – To equalize is to maintain. Clean out the refrigerator often and keep the space inviting. If you assign and containerize well, you will also be able to see at a glance what needs to be replenished.
An organized refrigerator, like an organized closet can set the tone for the entire day. When it comes to organizing, the micro affects the macro and just a little bit of organizing can give you a powerful sense of order and well-being. Organize something today!