December is a great month to do some massive organizing and decluttering. Below are 4 things you can do right NOW to end the year right (and set yourself up for success in the year ahead)!
1. Zero Out Your Inbox – If emails have piled up, take advantage of the down time at work to zero out your inbox. If you have been thinking about trying the Zero Inbox method but don’t know where to begin, check out my step by step guide Zero to Zen; Getting to Zero Inbox.
2. Set Goals for the Year Ahead – If you are anything like me you know exactly what you want to accomplish next year. No need to wait for New Year’s Resolutions. If you struggle with goal setting however, take some time now to get clear on what you would like to accomplish in the year ahead.
Use these 10 key areas to guide you as you brainstorm on what you would like to accomplish – Relationship, Career/Professional, Health, Finance, Spirituality, Fun/Recreation, Family, Education, Personal Growth and Community. Put your goals down on paper and keep them handy so you can refer to them easily!
3. Take Charge of Your Calendar – Enter important dates such as birthdays, holidays and doctor’s appointments on your calendar. Plug in any recurring appointment or meetings. Block out vacation time and put business trips and conferences on your calendar. If you are using a paper calendar, review your current calendar for important phone numbers and notes. Transfer them to your new calendar or into your contacts.
If you’ve been thinking about making a switch from a paper calendar to digital one, now is the time to do it. I switched to Google calendar about 3 months ago and I love it. I particylalry Keep in mind that there is a learning curve so give yourself plenty of time to integrate the new technology into your existing suite of tech tools!