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Professional Organizing & Unpacking, NYC | 646-245-1248

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7 Steps to Refresh Your Coat Closet for Fall

Happy fall! When the temperature starts to drop and it’s time to move your hats, gloves, and scarves back into “prime real estate”, take the opportunity to give your coat closet a makeover. Here are 7 steps to help you refresh your closet for fall. Edit your belongings – Sort like ite
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How to Prepare for Houseguests in a NYC Apartment

How do you prepare for houseguests in a NYC apartment? If you are hosting out of town guests this holiday season, a little advanced planning will go a long way. Start early so when your guests arrive you are organized and can enjoy quality time together. Here are some tips on how to p
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Tips for unpacking after a move – Best Way to Unpack Your Kitchen

What is the best way to unpack your kitchen after a move? Moving is stressful and time consuming. Unpacking and setting up a new kitchen can be particularly overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be though – below are some tips so that you can unpack and set up your kitchen like
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Best Way to Unpack After a Move

What is the best way to unpack after a move? The answer depends on what is most important to you. As professional organizers specializing in helping clients unpack and set up their new homes we apply best practices with input from the client to unpack in the order that is most importa
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Beautiful Baskets – 5 Great Places to Find Them

As a professional organizer, one thing I am always on the lookout for is high quality, and attractive baskets. They are a great way to corral everything from extra blankets and pillows, toys, books, magazines – whatever you need storage for. We also like baskets because they work well
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Spring Clean Your NYC Kitchen – 5 things to get rid of now

Do you have a leaning tower of Chinese takeout containers in your kitchen? Perhaps you have an ice cream or bread maker you bought with good intentions but only used once or a collection of yellowing plastic containers that have long since lost their lids? When it comes to organizing
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When messy is okay – Knowing your clutter threshold

When I am working on a big project my desk can get really messy. Even though I am a professional organizer that is totally okay with me. It is my style. I have a threshold though and once it gets to a certain point, I need to stop and straighten things out or else I can’t work. Whethe
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4 Must Do Things Before Putting Your NYC Apartment on the Market

  Are you getting ready to put your New York City apartment on the market? Organized and clutter – free homes sell faster and at a higher price. Decluttering will make the space look bigger (always important with NYC apartments) and it will depersonalize the space which is anothe
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My Red Car Story

Today I want to share with you my red car story to demonstrate the steps in effective goal setting and the power of mastermind groups. Three years ago I moved into an apartment in Brooklyn that has a parking space. As a New Yorker, I never really saw the need for a car. The public tra
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How to Free Up 10 Hours A Week

We are all super busy and in America, in NY in particular, it is a cultural norm, almost something to strive for. The thing is, where is all this busy-ness getting us? I believe that freeing up time to just be is important and I also believe that busy-ness can be a barrier to doing th
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