If you have a tendency to beat yourself up with thoughts such as “I should be able to do this myself” or “What’s wrong with me that I can’t organize my own house?” I am giving you permission to let yourself off the hook. Beating yourself up leads to debilitating inaction and further compounds the problem.
The truth is there are 3 underlying reasons for disorganization. Once you identify which one is getting in your way you can transform that negative self talk into compassion and support!
Lack of skill
If you have the desire to get organized but simply don’t know how there are many resources to turn to from books to newsletters to online articles and videos. One book that I particularly like is Organized From the Inside Out by colleague and organizer extraordinaire, Julie Morgenstern. Another great resource is my weekly newsletter, News From AKorganizing.
Also, as of today the term “how to organize” yielded 1,470,000 videos on You Tube! You are sure to find a “how to” videos on how to organize just about anything in your home or workspace. While you’re there, check out my video on How to Organize Your Closet🙂
You’re just not that into it
If the thought of filing papers is as appealing to you as a root canal, the problem may simply be that you don’t like the task. You could perhaps do it on your own but why bother. Be honest with yourself, if you really dislike the task, delegate it – hire a professional organizer to set up systems to make the task easier for you and/or an assistant to handle the routine maintenance.
A psychological barrier
There are many psychological reasons for disorganization. I am not referring here to ADD, OCD or Hoarding which pose overt challenges to being organized, but the more subtle barriers. For example, if you grew up with a super organized parent or sibling, disorganization may be a form of rebellion or a way to differentiate yourself from your family. As an adult however this behavior may be wrecking havoc in your life. If you can identify the “subtle saboteurs” that are getting in your way, you could break through to a more organized and happier life.
So if you have a tendency to beat yourself up for being disorganized, see if you can identify why. Is it a lack of skill, a lack of interest or a psychological barrier. Once you know why, you can seek out the right support to help you move past the negative self talk to action and success!
Are there obstacles getting in your way of a more organized life? Have you overcome your own “subtle saboteurs?” Leave a comment below and let us know!
OMG Angela! You so hit the nail on the head! My mother has OCD about cleanliness & organization and, well, you’ve seen my apartment. I find also that it’s hard to organize when someone did it for you for half of your life and never taught you their methodology. Thanks for another great article.
Thank you for your very insightful comment Hillary.
Hi Angela,
Thank you for explaining that I’m just not that into cleaning and organizing! Still, I enjoy and appreciate it when my space is neat and tidy.
Hi Anna,
thanks for your comment! As women we think we have to do it all ourselves. It’s liberating to know you don’t have to. I’m on a mission to empower women to delegate, outsource and bring in help so they can keep the focus on their unique brilliance.