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Professional Organizing & Unpacking, NYC | 646-245-1248

How to Prepare for Houseguests in a NYC Apartment

How do you prepare for houseguests in a NYC apartment? If you are hosting out of town guests this holiday season, a little advanced planning will go a long way. Start early so when your guests arrive you are organized and can enjoy quality time together. Here are some tips on how to p
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When messy is okay – Knowing your clutter threshold

When I am working on a big project my desk can get really messy. Even though I am a professional organizer that is totally okay with me. It is my style. I have a threshold though and once it gets to a certain point, I need to stop and straighten things out or else I can’t work. Whethe
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4 Must Do Things Before Putting Your NYC Apartment on the Market

  Are you getting ready to put your New York City apartment on the market? Organized and clutter – free homes sell faster and at a higher price. Decluttering will make the space look bigger (always important with NYC apartments) and it will depersonalize the space which is anothe
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How to Stop Junk Mail

According to,  the average adult receives a whopping 41 pounds of junk mail each year (that’s about 560 pieces!) and most of it goes unopened. Reducing junk mail (and some regular mail too) will save you time, prevent paper clutter AND reduce your carbon footprint!
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Swag Bags – Goodies or Clutter?

Do you ever go to conferences or events and without realizing it you lug a whole bunch of stuff home that  you neither want or need? Today I am going to share with you my three step process on how to prevent swag from turning into clutter.   Step 1 Sort the swag into stuff you like, a
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5 Compelling Reasons to Zero Out Your Inbox

Zeroing out your inbox each day strengthens decision making skills and encourages decisive action. Below are 5 more compelling reasons to zero out your inbox! Improve your relationships – When you commit to zeroing out your inbox, it is likely to improve your relationships. Emai
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How to Organize Your Closets – 7 Simple Techniques

How to Organize Your Closet; 7 Simple Techniques Use matching hangers – it will give your closet a polished feel. For our last project we chose basic natural wood hangers from the Container Store. Use bins and baskets; keep things off the floor yet easily accessible. For our las
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How To Declutter Your Desk; 4 Simple Steps

Desk clutter is inevitable. We all have busy lives and things can sometimes pile up especially when we are in the midst of multiple projects.  Know your limits – if your desk has gotten so cluttered that it’s affecting your creativity and productivity, it’s time to t
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Is Clutter Holding You Back? Take the Quiz

Is “get organized” one of your New Year’s Resolutions? You are not alone. “Get organized” makes almost every top ten list. This is such a widespread phenomenon that January has officially been declared National Get Organized (GO) month! Mayor Bloomberg ha
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3 Hidden Barriers to an Organized Life

If you have a tendency to beat yourself up with thoughts such as “I should be able to do this myself” or “What’s wrong with me that I can’t organize my own house?” I am giving you permission to let yourself off the hook. Beating yourself up leads to
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